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10 Reasons to Do a Summer Internship

When you're a recent graduate, you often don't have enough experience to secure a permanent full-time job, so your only options are an internship, apprenticeship, or work experience.    Consider how internships can help[...]
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9 Tips to Consider When Looking for Student Housing

When it comes to locating the perfect student housing, there are pros and cons. The notion of making new friends, having more freedom, and having a new location to call home might fill you with joy. However, thousands of other students are[...]
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Why You Should Do an Internship in Washington DC?

Every year, tens of thousands of interns choose Washington DC for their summer internships. Do you know why?   Well, there are lots of reasons to choose Washington DC but the main reason is the networking opportunities. No matter[...]
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Best Free-time Activities for Summer Co-ops in Toronto

Summer co-op season is upon us once again and you may be thinking to take this opportunity this year. Well, if your goal is to get work experience in Toronto, you are in the right place.   Toronto, Canada's largest city, has become[...]
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10 Best places to see for summer interns in New York City

It is not for nothing that the metropolis is known as the "city that never sleeps”. There's something for everyone in New York City, and you'll discover something new to do during your summer internship.   The nicest part[...]
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Showing 266 - 270 of 312 posts