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The 5 Things Successful Students Do in Their Morning Routine

Your attitude, happiness, and productivity are all affected by how you start your day. You might be wondering as a student what the most crucial morning habits are for students.   It's important to remember that having a morning[...]
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10 Benefits of a Co-living Space

Coliving is the new trend in living arrangements. It's a way for people to live together in shared homes and all share expenses, including rent and utilities. Coliving also includes having access to a larger kitchen and household[...]
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The Ultimate Off Campus Housing Guide

When you're a college student, the only thing that matters is finding an apartment that's affordable and close to campus.    Whether you're looking for a place to live with friends or just need some extra space for yourself,[...]
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New York City Co-Living Guide

If you're a student or a young professional living in New York City then you are already aware of the high price of rentals right?    We all want to live in a good environment but don't want to pay that much. That's why many are[...]
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Find The Perfect Off-Campus Housing for Students: Best Tips to Get Started

As a college student, you have a lot of things to think about. One of the most important things is finding the perfect place to live.   Off-campus housing can be a great option for students who want more independence and privacy than[...]
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Showing 36 - 40 of 220 posts