Here at Harrington Housing we understand how challenging this time can be for some. We want to give you some tips and ideas on how to keep busy. Below are some of our favourite ways to productively pass the time, to spend quality time with[...]
How is it that we’re always hoping for snow days, a longer reading week, never-ending weekends… and now we have it! Yet, all we want is to go back to our regularly scheduled programming: our classes, exams, and to listen to our[...]
Location, luxury, comfort, amenities and so on. All these features matter. But let’s talk about the elephant in the room when choosing a space to live: the cost. Of course the first priority of a student is to find an affordable place,[...]
Like most companies, we started our company with an uninspiring tagline, “Feel at Home”. We all make that mistake right? Soon we figured out that similar versions of this slogan were used in the traditional housing market[...]